Denver Gazette: Trust us to look out for each other

Jul 12, 2021

Over the last few weeks, I’ve had the chance to visit some of the most beautiful and unique towns in Colorado.


We’ve been towing the Heidi’s Colorful Colorado podcast trailer, which I affectionately call Betty Jean, after my late adventurous grandma, across the worn out highways, bumpy dirt roads and gorgeous, but steep, mountain passes.


I brought my girls along for a few days in the San Luis Valley (the water was running at the Sand Dunes!), took my team to Greeley (on the day of the flash floods!), spoke at the Barn in Evergreen and ate dinner with a hundred friends on a deck in Gypsum (with deer watching!).


I interviewed Kyle and Michelle, owners of a BBQ restaurant on main street in Alamosa, heard the story of Rattlesnake Kate from Holly, the head of the Greeley History Museum, and talked to Rich at the event in Evergreen about a new franchise he’s building focused on helping firefighters.


Then our family went all out for the fourth of July at the Monument parade, my hometown!

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